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Property Developer's Website

Services Offered by BWB Business Website Builders

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Business Website Builders will design and build a website that enhances the reputation of your business. Let us help you build your brand recognition and make your services and products available both locally and around the globe.



Fast-loading pages and responsive site design for PCs and mobile devices are crucial factors in ranking well with Google. Tap into our expertise to ensure that your business benefits from the best possible local and worldwide search results.

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Google and Bing search engines consider that, 'content is king'!  Let us help you create keyword-rich, search engine-friendly, well-written unique content. Sites with poor punctuation, spelling, and grammar are demoted in Google ranking search results.



For a small monthly fee, BWB provides hosting, site security and undertakes all maintenance tasks, including software updates. Also, BWB will action any required changes to basic site content, saving business owners time and trouble. 


A business website provides a superb opportunity for a company to highlight its products, services and staff in a format that is far more readily kept up to date than is possible with print media.  It provides a means whereby other advertising methods can direct interested parties or potential customers to a wealth of information about a company.  


In addition to information on products, services and staff, a good website designer can highlight the experience and expertise of a business, its ethos, company culture, location, history, testimonials, special offers and much more.

However, to achieve the maximum benefit from a website, the website must have 'visibility'.  Visibility is a measure of how easily it is found online, and it depends on the structure of the website, the quality of the content and keyword density, as well as factors such as backlinks to the website. 


Good web design is not just about appearances!  BWB Business Website Builders can help optimise a website to ensure it is search engine-friendly, and we are especially expert at SEO for local searches.  This can be particularly valuable for businesses operating within a specific geographical area such as independent retailers, restaurants, accountants, solicitors, tennis or golf coaches, car repair businesses etc.

Tap into our expertise to ensure that your business benefits from the best possible local search results and worldwide search results.

BWB design and build attractive, modern, state of the art websites which are quick loading, robust, stylish and, most importantly, user-friendly.  All our websites are designed and built with the end user in mind to ensure they are simple to use, intuitive and easy to navigate.


All the websites are designed and built to be mobile responsive websites and adaptive for effective display on desktop, tablet and mobile phone screens.  With over half of searches now taking place on mobile devices, it is vital new websites are mobile and tablet friendly.  This particularly true now Google are pushing non mobile-friendly websites down the search engine results and rankings.  Having a mobile-responsive site is essential.


If required, websites can be translatable, have 'News' or 'Blog' pages integrated within the website and have anti-spam software added to prevent spamming responses to blog or news posts. Google analytics can be inserted into the website to assist with the analysis of the performance of site.

BWB not only design and build clean, modern, effective, intuitive websites but can also assist with producing quality content for sites, editing and optimising images and video, search engine optimisation (SEO) and local SEO, plus undertake website maintenance including, security, software, theme and plug-in updates, as well as site back-ups, restoration and content updates.

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BWB Business Website Builders

Professional Services Ltd.

2 Wesley Gardens, Pebworth, Stratford-upon-Avon, Worcestershire CV37 8DJ


Tel: 01438 940949

Mob: 07878 130838




Business Website Builders is owned by Professional Services Limited which  provides a range of services to businesses including web design, freelance writing, and graphic design

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© 2021 Created by BWB - Business Website Builders part of the Professional Services Ltd. group. Company No. 08534166

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